Site icon Mike Regina | Inspiring Speaker, Business and Brand Builder with a Compelling Vision for Entrepreneurs, Executives, Educators, Students and Philanthropists.

Facing the Brave New World


We’re going through an extraordinary time, not only in our lifetimes, but in the entire history of humanity. Suddenly, in the last few months and blindly out of nowhere, we are united in dealing with the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Who knew this word — unheard of before a few months ago — would be part of so many conversations with friends, colleagues, and family? Virtually all aspects of our life now revolve around how to maneuver around all of it. This is an intense time.

But, I’m not writing about the virus. I am writing to challenge you to change your mindset about the virus.

I challenge you to look at COVID-19 as a catalyst to tremendous creativity, prosperity and growth.

I challenge you to break through your preconceived notions about your capabilities. I challenge you to show yourself just how tough, resilient, and flexible you are.

I challenge you to envision yourself being more successful than ever in this brave new world.

COVID-19 does not have the power to paralyze us. That is on us. We are all at a crossroads: we all have a choice how to move forward.

This is one of most monumental times in our lives to directly alter our future.

We are all joined together in one common thread: we all have to make a choice to change our mindset. We either adopt the fear-based mindset to dictate our lives, or we choose the mindset to control our destiny like never before.

Let's choose to Go Forth and Conquer!

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