Ryan “Shakin' Hands & Buildin' Brands” Harbinson has more than 15 years of marketing and sales experience under his branding belt. 🤝 He's a “Jack of All Trades” player with graphic designer and management skills. As a former COO, Ryan has built successful personal and regional brands in just about every category. In this episode of Tips in 10, Ryan provides 3 quick tips on keeping up with the latest branding trends and applying them to your business.
🚀 Tune in every other Wednesday on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Youtube at noon EST.
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Company Page LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mikeregina/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeReginaIO
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoppositeentrepreneur/
Website: https://www.mikeregina.io
Podcasts: https://www.mikeregina.io/podcast/
👉 Let's Connect: https://www.mikeregina.io/contact-mike/