Follow What the #fans are Following

A Harvard Business School survey found that 94% of working professionals reported working more than 50 hours per week, and half said they worked more than 65 hours.

I’ve done my fair share of working 80+ hours a week, and I can tell you that it’s not sustainable.

As entrepreneurs and leaders, it can be tough to say no, because we are so focused on the prize. Remember that to do one thing, you must give up something else. When you’re not focusing on your health or family, are you truly living your best life?

I challenge you to create work-life balance goals to help you better manage your time, relationships, and health in 2023.

Get this right, and you’ll be effective, efficient, and, most importantly, a great example to those around you.

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There has never been a better time to practice gratitude and lead with positivity.

Did you feel a part of you wanting to challenge me, even a bit? Did you want to agree with me, but with conditions? As in, “Yes, of course, I’m grateful, but….”

Here is the thing- I don’t care how many things you can add after that word “but.” It doesn’t matter. None of that changes my original thought. 

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and reread that statement, except don’t add your “but...”

That felt good, right? What you felt was hope.

Which feels better - that moment of peace you just felt without adding the “but...” condition.


This feeling of dread and fear you feel right now allowing it back in? 

You just showed yourself that you have the choice of what to feel.

Choose hope and lead with positivity. 

#leadwithpurpose #intentionality #positiveimpact #mindset #leadership #attitudematters #attitudeofgratitude #gratitudepractice #mindsetchange #shiftyourmindset #personaldevelopment

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If you were to do it all over again, what would you do differently?

Here’s a piece of advice I’d give my younger self about starting your own business.

#youngerself #businessdevelopment #lifelessons #entrepreneur #startup #smallbusiness #personaldevelopment

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Significance > Success

Significance over success. People can project success, but you cannot project significance.

Servant leaders don’t look to be the most successful in the room; they look to become significant. Being significant is about how we affect others. It is never about one person or one thing.
Significance always involves a purpose that leads to meaning in life.

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Do you lead with giving, or do you lead with taking?

When we take the focus off of ourselves, not what we don’t have but do have, our effectiveness will be that much greater, and we can serve more people.
Don’t concentrate on what you want from other people. Instead, shift your focus towards helping others and creating an impact on those around you.
Live to give, and the success and commendations will come later.

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If you were to ask me what I wanted my legacy to be...

I`d say to be a difference-maker. 

That`s what motivated me to start That`s my purpose. 
To me, a difference-maker is someone who chases significance, not success.
It`s about showing up, doing the work, living ON purpose, and translating the skills you`ve learned to serve others.
Difference-makers challenge the known and leap into the unfamiliar.

The outcome is always uncertain, but what you learn along the way is the reward.

#differencemaker #challengeyourself #lastinglegacy #servingothers #peoplefirst #purposedriven #entrepreneur #businessleader #passionandpurpose #significance #uncertainty

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Setting your alarm = setting yourself up for success! 💪 People who set alarms achieve 30% more of their goals and are 20% more productive. Don’t just wake up when you feel like it—take control of your day! ⏰

🔥 #MorningRoutine #EntrepreneurMindset #Discipline #SuccessTips #ProductivityHacks #AlarmClock #Accountability

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Give someone a fish and they’ll eat for a day. Teach them how to fish and they’ll eat for the rest of their lives. 👆

It’s ok to let people fall, fail, and have setbacks. That’s how they learn. We learn from the struggle not from someone removing the obstacle. 🤜🤛

🔥 #leadership #LeadByExample #LeadershipDevelopment #LeadershipGoals #InspireLeadership #LeadershipMindset #Perseverance #KeepGoing #NeverGiveUp #StayStrong #Determination #Resilience

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Practice success before it even happens 🧠

#motivation #entrepreneur #leadership #business #successmindset #growthmindset #personaldevelopment #stayfocused

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Obstacles don’t discourage successful leaders; they are the very reason leaders continue.

#challenge #overcomingobstacles #dontplayitsafe #Justdoit #entrepreneur #leadershiplessons #purposedriven #personaldevelopment #theoppositeentrepreneur

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Mike Regina is a business leader, connector and influencer who has generously given considerable time over the last 3 years to inspire and help students in my Temple University courses on Personal Branding.  Mike's unique perspective on building an authentic personal brand based on “social capital” resonates for every demographic and profession.  His ability to genuinely connect with people, and create networks that open up opportunities for others is unprecedented in my experiences and welcomed by so many.

David Thompson | President

Bongo Marketing & Media LLC / Adjunct Professor, Temple Univ.
Mike was interesting, engaging, and funny! I walked away with the feeling of being prepared for a sales call, being consistent, and having a positive approach to life and business. I would certainly recommend him as a speaker.

Michael Briggs

Specification Salesperson at Pollart Electric

Mike dares his audience to be memorable, and that he is. He is an energized, interactive speaker that truly connects with his audience. He brings inspiring ideas to everyday business challenges and leaves his audience with actionable insights and takeaways.

Adrienne D. | Marlton, NJ

Director of Marketing / Alloy Silverstein Accountants

Awesome presentation! I would listen to this presentation multiple times again – it would never get old. Mike was really knowledgeable on the topic & what it takes to make true connections. Thanks!!

Alyssa Hart

Technology Director/Marketing Assistant, The Rahn Companies

I can’t stop thinking about your speaking event last Wednesday, it left me feeling inspired. Commit, create, connect truly adds structure and creates the ultimate experience. Thanks so much, your message is AWESOME!

Stephanie Rizzi

Store Manager for the Cherry Hill/Philadelphia Market