🚀 What if there was a way to create a business that runs itself? We've all dreamed about it — Now it's time to learn how to DO IT.
Say hello to David Jenyns, the man behind SYSTEMology — a step-by-step business systemization framework designed to transform your business into a well-oiled machine. With over 20 years of invaluable experience in franchising, digital marketing, and business strategy, David Jenyns has become a respected leader in the industry. After successfully systemizing his digital agency in 2016, he made it his mission to help other business owners scale and streamline their operations.
Drawing on real-life case studies and two decades of business experience, David Jenyns will reveal the path to success. Learn how to reduce errors, save time, and scale your profits.
🎧 Tune in for a new episode every other Wednesday at noon EST.
Connect with David:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-jenyns/
Personal Website: https://www.davidjenyns.com/
Company Website: https://www.systemology.com/
Check Out His Book: https://www.systemology.com/book/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeregin…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeReginaIO
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theopposite…
Website: https://www.mikeregina.io
Podcasts: https://www.mikeregina.io/podcast/